Monday, January 22, 2007

Whats in the bag???

In my opinion, Fate has no control over what I do with my life. I control what I do when, where, and how. It's other people that I can't control. This where the element of fate comes into play. If I were to get into a car crash that paralyzed me from the waist down, at the fault of someone else, a fate believer could say that it was destined for me to be paralyzed. I just thought of another way where it could have been my fate. The driver of the other vehicle could be have a seizure or something and the situaion wouldn't be in either of our control. After making that statement i have confused myself. I think I believe that fate has some control of my life.


SSMW said...

I really respect that you acknowledge that you have much less control over yourself because of other people. This would be the basis of my belief in neither I guess. My belief I would call "collective fate." How could I know who's fault the accident really was as I think that an act usually has more than one source as to why or where it accrued.

smileyface223 said...

this is also something that confuses me...the responsibility of the other person involved in the accident or experience. i also believe that i create my own fate, but when it is in the hands of another, such as in the accident, its hard to say who's free will is determining the fate. you only can determine what happened but you will never know the "what ifs", so you just have to accept the outcome..maybe it was something that is suppsoed to happen..perhaps free will influenced your fate.

Elizabeth C said...

brandon.... this made my head but no I understand where you're coming from even though u brought it across a little weird and why did it have to be paralyzed waist down.....